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HWB #004: Using imagination to jump-start a health goal

May 5, 2023

In today's edition of the Health With Balance newsletter, I'm going to show you how to jump-start a goal using the power of your imagination.

I've come to believe that imagination is a kind of innate superpower that all of us have access to. Imagination gives us the ability to create an alternate universe, to test out new versions of reality that certain courses of action could create.

Unfortunately, most of us aren't conscious of using this superpower to our advantage. Our imaginations are usually active whether we're aware of it or not, and left to itself our imagination typically concerns itself with creating possible futures in which something has gone terribly wrong (this is the source of much of our anxiety).

Most of us don't realize the power our imaginations have to fuel a belief that a better future is possible.

As a result:

  • We tend to think that our health today is stuck this way. "I'll always struggle to make it up a flight of stairs. I'll always be hangry in between meals. I'll always be addicted to junk food."

  • When we do make resolutions to be better, we don't lay the groundwork for success first. Instead, we're fixated on what we want (i.e., to lose 20 pounds) rather than why we want it and who we want to become in the course of pursuing that outcome.

  • Our goals usually don't go anywhere, and our belief that our health is "stuck" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thankfully, we've all been blessed with a secret weapon - our imagination. I'm going to show you how to wield this weapon. First, we'll use imagination to get clear on why we want a particular outcome, and second, we'll envision a future where we have actually accomplished this goal.

Clarity is incredibly important when pursuing change, as James Clear attests:

Here's how to do this, step by step:

Step 1: Make time and space to really think this through.

I know, I know - you want to get right to the exercise. But don't skip this step! This exercise works best if you're able to sit and think and daydream, undisturbed, for at least 15 minutes.

You might need to go into your room or office and close your door. Or (my personal favorite) take a walk in the woods or along a river and find a quiet spot to sit. Just get away from distractions - your phone, your work, social media, other people. Do your future self a favor and give yourself ample space and time to daydream.

Step 2: Ask yourself the question, "What is the deepest reason why I want to be healthier?"

Many people make the mistake here of simply thinking about what they want (i.e., lose 15 pounds, run a half-marathon, etc.) Right away, they get fixated on a particular outcome.

You'll have plenty of time to think about the what later. For now, I want you to think about your why.

Why do you want to be healthier? Why do you want to show up in life as the best version of yourself? What is it that stirs your deepest emotions?

Maybe it's a relationship, or a deep longing to be a particular type of person, or a bucket list-type of experience you want to be able to have.

Here are some common examples:

  • My significant other

  • My grandkids

  • Being independent and self-sufficient as I get older

  • The freedom of having my own business

Now that you have that emotional component in mind, connect that to your what. "I want THIS, so that..."

  • I want to lose 25 pounds so that someday, I can be in good enough shape to hike the Appalachian Trail.

  • I want to improve my strength, so that I can keep up with my grandkids for a long time to come.

  • I want to improve my metabolic health, so that I can age well and be self-sufficient well into old age.

Step 3: Allow yourself to imagine how your life would be different if you accomplished this goal.

Don't stop there! I want you to use your imagination to delve even deeper into this why that you've pinpointed.

Close your eyes and imagine a future where you've accomplished the what.

Who is with you? Is it your grandkids, your significant other, your friends?

What are you doing? Are you talking and laughing, are you doing something active?

How do you feel? Do you feel energetic and alive? Are you fully immersed in enjoying this moment with the people you love? Are you deeply thankful?

Just allow yourself to be in that possible future your imagination has helped you create, for as long as feels good. Try to really feel thankful for this possible future as if it's already your reality.

When you start pursuing a goal with this kind of groundwork laid, you can expect, at least at first, to have all of your actions infused with a deep sense of meaning, because you know exactly why you're doing this.

Expect this sense of meaning and purpose to fade at some point. When that happens, revisit this exercise. Anytime you have a setback or miss a day, revisit this exercise. And don't allow yourself to give up on that future you've envisioned.

This is the power of your imagination. It doesn't have to be an anxiety factory. Instead, it can motivate you to take the actions necessary to create that better future you've dreamed up.


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